Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017-12-31 status



  • Secured $3000 Elizabethtown College Faculty Grant award with JB in late April.
  • Successfully defended prelim proposal in June.
  • Got a full-time job in September at UIC CCTS.

Data Collection

  • Repaired original Dactylize circuit damaged in move from NLP Lab.
  • Installed Dactylize system in JB's studio at Elizabethtown College in October.
  • Prototyped new glove assembly for Dactylize.
  • Obtained parts for repair and new Dactylize II system with grant funds and started circuit assembly.
  • Successfully loaded Survey III data from Qualtrics to new MySQL diii2 schema.
  • Loaded missing Survey I and II data in MySQL to new didactyl2 schema, so we can now perform queries across both data sets, as originally envisioned, and all of our fingering data are now in one place.
  • Defined procedure for data collection from performances using GitHub.


    1. Updating Didactyl framework to recognize abcD format.
    2. Completing Parncutt model implementation in framework.
    3. Debugging Dactylize 88-key circuit.
    4. Collecting fingering data from JB performances in Elizabethtown.
    5. Implementing Sayegh model.
    6. Implementing "autocorrecting" evaluation method suggested by CR to compare models head to head.

    In Scope

    1. Completing Dactylize II circuit.
    2. Creating abcD for complete Beringer corpus.
    3. Enhancing Parncutt, following published techniques and pushing beyond them.
    4. Defining procedure for sanity test of production automatic data collector (including Beringer data).
    5. Defining corpora for Dactylize data collection (WTC, Beringer, ??).
    6. Implementing end-to-end machine learning experiment, using Beringer abcD data.
    7. Submitting papers to ISMIR 2018 (deadline not yet announced, probably in March). Ideas: a follow-up demo paper describing Dactylize data collected; a full-length paper describing application of evaluation method to models developed; a full-length description of enhanced and/or novel models.


    1. Getting reacquainted with Python and music21.

    Wednesday, February 8, 2017

    2017-02-08 status


    Data Collection

    • Created initial table of contents for prelim proposal.
    • Debugged LaTeX conflict between color package and uicthesi class. Short answer: don't use color.


      1. Drafting early chapters of prelim proposal.
      2. Drafting Elizabethtown College grant proposal, dove-tailing with Dactylize chapter in prelim proposal.
      3. Strategizing initial constraints for system--start with finger legato? Outlining planned evolution of model.
      4. Strategizing enhanced similarity measure. Minimum edit distance with all (weighted) substitutions? Pivot detector?
      5. Legato detector? "Phrase" detector?
      6. Debugging, and defining test cases for, post-processing code (


      1. Creating abcD for complete Beringer corpus.
      2. Defining procedure for sanity test of production automatic data collector (including Beringer data).
      3. Defining procedure for initial data collection sessions (including Beringer data).
      4. Implementing end-to-end machine learning experiment, using Beringer abcD data.


      • So much grading, so little time.
      • Refinancing house?
      • Get a job, hippie.