Model Building
- Refactored Python algorithm ("Dactyler") architecture.
- Implemented unit test framework.
- Migrated Hart algorithm to new framework.
- Enhanced Hart model to support repeated notes with same pitch.
- Put announced ISMIR 2018 deadlines (March 23 and March 30) on NLP calendar.
- Revamping my corpus module to deal with multiple voices and polyphony in abc/abcD input.
- Supporting first-note fingering constraint in Hart model to enable the "auto-correcting" or "re-entrant" evaluation method suggested by CR.
- Implementing DValuation base class to support evaluation methods.
- Implementing DHamming edit-distance evaluation method.
- Implementing DNatural edit-distance method.
- Implementing DPivot edit-distance method.
- Implementing DReEntry evaluation method.
In Scope for Semester
- Re-implementing Parncutt model in framework. (The graph class I was using does not seem to exist in Python3, so this needs to be reworked.)
- Debugging Dactylize 88-key circuit.
- Collecting fingering data from JB performances in Elizabethtown.
- Implementing Sayegh model.
- Completing Dactylize II circuit.
- Developing method to align performance data with symbolic data. I think this is going to be essential if we are to use Dactylize data moving forward and a key part of its proof of concept. I plan to have something for this at the ISMIR demo session (September 22 deadline).
- Creating abcD for complete Beringer corpus.
- Moving Beringer corpus to MySQL database.
- Enhancing Parncutt, following published techniques and pushing beyond them.
- Defining procedure for sanity test of production automatic data collector (including Beringer data).
- Defining corpora for Dactylize data collection (WTC, Beringer, ??).
- Implementing end-to-end machine learning experiment, using Beringer abcD data.
- Submitting papers to ISMIR 2018. Abstracts due March 23. Papers due March 30. Ideas: a follow-up demo paper describing Dactylize data collected; a full-length paper describing application of evaluation method to models developed; a full-length description of enhanced and/or novel models, demo of method to align collected performance data with symbolic score.
- music21 support for abc is either buggy, or I can't read. Having a hard time splitting an abc file into right- and left-hand parts, something that should be trivial.
- The Parncutt code is a disaster under Python 3. Lot of rework needed here.
- Contemplating using Hart as one of the two proof-of-concept models for the methodology paper. I might even be planning on it at this point.