2015-02-06 status
- Emailed Steven Jordan and confirmed his membership on committee. Sent him WCP report and link to DHCS abstract. He is available 11:30-2:15 MWF at Loyola Chicago. Plan to meet next Friday.
- Emailed Angus Forbes to ask about committee membership. Sent same documents as above.
Data Collection
- Rigged mount on 2x4 to point Kinect down at keyboard.
- Thought about automated ways to collect hand dimensions a la Wagner. I am thinking CV in lieu of calipers.
- After consulting with Barbara, I determined it was not necessary to obtain IRB clearance for the Sloboda sight-reading data set.
- Emailed Chris Raphael about MIDI input to OMR and extracting fingering data from scanned scores with associated MIDI files. He said it was an interesting idea, but no code to share and seemed to think it would be a tough slog. I asked about Audiveris, and he said I should check it out and report back.
- Investigated Audiveris as potential basis for MIDI-infused OMR. Seems like a fork is in order.
- Started looking through the Parncutt source. There seems to be some code relating to physical distances a la Jacobs.
- Comparing Parncutt source to my Python code.
- Implementing basic color tracking synchronized with MIDI events.
- Trying to obtain evaluation corpus used in (Parncutt et al., 1997) with a mind toward quantifying IAA.
- Thinking about ways to quantify similarity between fingerings.
- Thinking about ways not to quantify any such thing: maybe we measure the quality of a model by its ability to effect change in a player's preconceived notion of how a piece should be fingered.
Red Flags
- Over-extending Brian Ziebart vs. under-representing ML on my committee.
- Don't we need a psychologist on the committee? Parncutt? Stellan Ohlsson?
- Do we know Ohlsson would not count as CS faculty?
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