2015-03-20 survey
- Received exemption from IRB. I wasn't expecting that.
- Exchanged email with Richard Parncutt regarding committee membership. He is open to the idea, but seemed to have a hard time with the concept of a committee member being both examiner and consultant on the research. He thinks he should be consulting with faculty on the matter, not me.
Data Collection
- Defined more survey questions about hand size (reach) in Qualtrics.
- Improved MDC JavaScript tool to support slurs, ties, and annotations in ABC.
- Deployed new MDC to Qualtrics.
- Met with IB to refine survey. It did not appear to be too long at all, even with the fingering exercises, some of which she could do almost at a glance. We started talking about content for the in-person data collection, but this is still an open question. The piano lab now has one piano outfitted with an overhead camera and a secondary camera on a tripod. We may be able to leverage some of this equipment for data collection.
- JavaScripting the Manual Data Collector (MDC).
- Requesting letter of support from head of the Department of Music.
- Trying to quantify variability in the Parncutt sight-reading corpus with a mind toward defining statistical approaches, as requested in protocol template.
- Trying to run finger6 over input file.
- Playing with Synthesia AFP (one .exe, one .dll, and that's it).
- Collecting all the Synthesia data there is from their forum.
- Implementing basic color tracking synchronized with MIDI events.
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