Friday, March 20, 2015

2015-03-20 survey



  • Received exemption from IRB. I wasn't expecting that.
  • Exchanged email with Richard Parncutt regarding committee membership. He is open to the idea, but seemed to have a hard time with the concept of a committee member being both examiner and consultant on the research. He thinks he should be consulting with faculty on the matter, not me. 

Data Collection

  • Defined more survey questions about hand size (reach) in Qualtrics.
  • Improved MDC JavaScript tool to support slurs, ties, and annotations in ABC.
  • Deployed new MDC to Qualtrics.
  • Met with IB to refine survey. It did not appear to be too long at all, even with the fingering exercises, some of which she could do almost at a glance. We started talking about content for the in-person data collection, but this is still an open question. The piano lab now has one piano outfitted with an overhead camera and a secondary camera on a tripod. We may be able to leverage some of this equipment for data collection. 


  1. JavaScripting the Manual Data Collector (MDC).
  2. Requesting letter of support from head of the Department of Music.
  3. Trying to quantify variability in the Parncutt sight-reading corpus with a mind toward defining statistical approaches, as requested in protocol template.
  4. Trying to run finger6 over input file.
  5. Playing with Synthesia AFP (one .exe, one .dll, and that's it).
  6. Collecting all the Synthesia data there is from their forum.
  7. Implementing basic color tracking synchronized with MIDI events.


  • A lot of work at work.

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