Friday, September 4, 2015

IRB amendment bounce

Dear Barbara:

The notion of a "confidential" study seem to be a bit of a red herring. The only hard requirement from the IRS is that the University must report payments that are $600 or more in a calendar year, regardless of how the study is classified. See

I think the problem is actually with inaccuracies in the OBFS policy document I just submitted the following comment on its content:
The text seems to imply a few things that I don't think are true. First, it says that non-confidential studies may not pay more than $100 to an individual in a tax year. I think it is trying to say that we can't pay $100 *or more* without reporting the subjects name and address to UPAY1099, as stated in . The issue here is about taxation, not about establishing an upper limit on incentives that can be paid to human subjects. Is this not correct?

Indeed, says that we are not *required* to report anything if the subject receives less than $600 in a calendar year.

The policies documented in the three links provided above are not entirely consistent.

Another problem is with the blanket statement that *all* payments to human subjects must be made through a program advance. Is it not allowable to derive funds from those that have been forwarded to my department's FOAP? Again, I think recording 1099 information when payments are $600 or more is the only hard requirement. Note that does not mention program advances.

Please advise.

Many thanks,
​I am going to add a "Winner's Survey" in Qualtrics to collect the information we need from the lottery winners in a secure way:
  1. Are you an employee of the University of Illinois?
  2. Are you required to file a federal income tax return in the United States?
  3. For tax purposes, are you a non-resident alien of the United States?​
  4. For income reporting purposes, please provide your mailing address:
  5. Have you received a total of $500 or more in the current calendar year for participating in research studies hosted by the University of Illinois?
  6. [If yes to #5] As it is required for income reporting purposes, please provide your Social Security number:
​This way, we leave the current survey(s) untouched.

​I plan simply to go through normal IRB channels to get this reviewed again. I think I understand the issues involved now, and if I was in the reviewer's shoes, I would be annoyed by email, especially from some grad student.​ 

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