Saturday, October 17, 2015

Status and near-term plans

Here is some information I sent to AF to summarize where I am at and where I think I am going. . . .

The happy news is that we do have survey data starting to trickle in now. If you want to see the survey, it lives here.

This survey includes a little JavaScript program to facilitate fingering data entry. This code has been largely rewritten recently to support the more complex music (from Book 1 of Bach's Well Tempered Clavier) planned for a second phase of "manual" data collection. So the dominoes are mostly in place now for data collection through the end of the year (during which we will happily pay $700 of my $2000 Provost's Award to pianists).

However, by November 15, I should have sufficient data to say something new. (Indeed, at Dr. Jordan's suggestion, I am starting to analyze data now. I have 19 responses so far.) So I plan to be shopping my first conference paper around by the first of the year. I really want to get into ISMIR 2016, as it is in New York this year in August. But something smaller and sooner will also be targeted.

In parallel, work will resume in earnest soon on our computer vision system to collect fingering data from actual performances. (There was a lot of rumination on this topic in the early going.) This part should be a lot of fun, but it is unexplored terrain for me. I am therefore hoping to rope in an undergraduate student (under the auspices of the WiCS DREAM mentoring program) to help. We have $500 budgeted to spend on equipment for this and then our last $800 to compensate pianists to evaluate and leverage it.

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