Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2016-09-28 status



  • IRB approved protocol amendment #4.
  • Submitted $400 ISMIR 2016 registration for reimbursement from BDE's ICR fund.

Data Collection

  • Confirmed automatic data collection Oct 1 at 10 a.m.
  • Transcribed left hand notation for arpeggios and broken chords in Beringer (technical exercise) corpus.
  • Produced abcD to capture right and left hand fingerings for arpeggios and broken chords in Beringer corpus.
  • Produced abcD to capture right and left hand fingerings for major and minor scales in Beringer corpus.
  • Mounted Dactylize circuit boards on back of piano and removed excess wiring. 
  • Constructed more finger assemblies.
  • Performed initial sanity test with beginning and intermediate pianists.
  • Reproduced "slow start" problem in Dactylize system, where initial 50 or so notes in "monitor" sessions all have large numbers of missing or incorrect fingerings assigned. Then the system stabilizes and behaves perfectly. This needs to be debugged, but for the first session, we will just include a 50-note "preamble" for each session. 


    1. Assembling materials for Chancellor's Graduate Research Award.
    2. Drafting email to invite Survey II subjects to participate in on-campus sessions.
    3. Creating abcD for complete Beringer corpus.
    4. Defining procedure for sanity test of production automatic data collector (including Beringer data).
    5. Defining procedure for initial data collection sessions (including Beringer data).
    6. Implementing end-to-end machine learning experiment, using Beringer abcD data.


    • Focus has been difficult this week, as I was laid off from my job on Monday after almost 17 years. The way forward is suddenly somewhat dim.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2016

    2016-09-12 status



    • Submitted protocol amendment #4 to IRB on Sep 7. No word yet.

    Data Collection

    • First automatic data collection scheduled for Oct 1.
    • Transcribed left hand notation for Beringer (technical exercise) corpus.
    • Transcribed harmonic minor scales for Beringer corpus.
    • Implemented Dactylize circuit on breadboards for debugging.
    • Constructed more finger assemblies.


      1. Assembling materials for Chancellor's Graduate Research Award.
      2. Drafting email to invite Survey II subjects to participate in on-campus sessions.
      3. Contemplating supporting multiple "tunes" in abcD. This would complicate abcDE.
      4. Creating abcD for Beringer corpus.
      5. Defining procedure for sanity test of production automatic data collector (including Beringer data).
      6. Defining procedure for initial data collection sessions (including Beringer data).
      7. Implementing end-to-end machine learning experiment, using Beringer abcD data.


      • Waiting for IRB approval to pull data from Survey III (WTC).