Thursday, July 16, 2015

Onion of assumption


There are a lot of assumptions we are making in our planned data collection and how it relates to the the fingerings that are actually used in performance.
  1. (MDC) Fingerings for an imaginary (unmotivated, unvalidated) performance are the same as those generated for an actual performance.
  2. (MDC4) Fingerings made for a performance in the past remain relevant for a new performance.
  3. Entering fingerings into a web application produces the same results as those collected on paper. (Using an electronic device might disrupt usual procedures for determining fingerings.)
  4. Full annotations, and not the presumably more typical minimal or targeted annotations, are accurate.
  5. Annotations reflect the fingerings used in actual performance.
  6. Actual performances are consistent over time.
  7. Read performances are the same as memorized performances.
This all again makes me want to study how people (composers, editors, and performers) decide which notes to annotate and which to ignore. The notion of fingering ambiguity should be explored. When does it exist? How can it be measured? Are annotations primarily to flag difficult passages--warning signs in a sea of automation? Or markers of orthodoxy in a sea of freedom/chaos? Or do they, with the help of some conventions, unambiguously define the entire performance? Where are these conventions documented? Ivana and Anne should be able to help with these questions.

Rage about order

Barbara advises I think a bit more about the randomization of the fingering exercises in the first survey. Here goes. . . .

There may be a natural order for the exercises (A-G)--assuming Czerny was presenting these in an order that makes pedagogical sense. The motivation of randomizing is to disperse any influence that fingering one piece would exert on the fingering of another. But why is that important to do? Why not just let this influence exert itself. If such an effect is significant, is it not better to have it be applied in a uniform way? And if it is subtle, wouldn't testing it repeatedly help us detect it. Also, we are not randomizing the order in which A and E are presented. I think showing them in a fixed order might be the way to go. And we just stick A and E (with their coin toss on recommended fingerings) back into the original order.

The other important matter is minimizing the differences between what we did and the stated procedure of Parncutt et al.:
Each pianist received the complete score of the seven pieces. The scores included tempo and dynamic markings, but not fingerings, which had been carefully erased (by whiting out and recopying). The 12 professional pianists and 3 students received the scores after partici- pating in a companion study that involved sight-reading each piece twice. They took the scores home before writing down their preferred fingerings. The other participants received the scores by mail. None of the participants were directly paid for their services; however, the pianists who had participated in the sight-reading study were reimbursed (£25 for pro- fessionals and £5 per hour for students). 
Pianists were informed that the pieces were by Czerny, but were not told the title or opus number of the collection. They were asked to write on the score their “preferred fingerings” for the right hand of the first two measures of each piece. In order to avoid ambiguity, they were asked to write a finger number against each and every note. A preferred fingering was defined as “the fingering that you would probably use in performance.” They were asked to disregard any fingerings that they thought or knew that the composer intended for the pieces; retrospectively, we found no reason to believe that any of them were influenced by such knowledge or belief. They were also asked to write brief explanations for their choice of fingerings directly on the scores; the aim of asking for this commentary was primarily to ensure that the pianists had given the matter some thought and were sure of their fingering solutions.
Note they say nothing about the order in which the pieces were presented, and note that there were different procedures followed followed for two groups of participants. I think it safe to assume that the players in the sight-reading experiment were exposed to the pieces in a fixed order, and that all of the participants were delivered a stack of papers in a particular order. At this point, they could solve the problems in any order they chose. But it seems likely that expert pianists, unless they dropped the papers on the floor, would simply work through the pieces in order.

Our electronic survey interface allows subjects to move between the pieces as well by way of NEXT and BACK buttons, but I doubt much use of this will be made. Also, we are not asking for piece-by-piece written rationale, as I am not sure how doing so "ensures" anything about how diligent the subjects were. They say nothing about how these "commentaries" were evaluated to vet subjects--not too surprising for researchers starved for data.

Also, we are not going to tell the students who wrote the pieces, so we don't later have to tell them to ignore this fact. Also, we are simply asking them to "Enter the fingerings you would use to perform this music." We do not say anything about probability. To align with Parncutt (and likely with the variability of such things in reality), we should change this to "Enter the fingerings you would probably use to perform this music." This change can be made easily to the MDC JavaScript.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Data plumbing

Okay, the prime directive is this: No PII gets out of Qualtrics. The following should work:
  1. Deliver "Survey I" (which leverages MDC) via anonymous links.
  2. Use the survey settings to suppress the IP and geolocation data and leverage the Question selection when we download the CSV to skip My contact information. . . .
  3. Load the data from the CSV to a MySQL (or SQLite) database, using the "ResponseID" as the primary key (our "arbitrary label") for user records.
  4. Assemble a Qualtrics panel for the "Survey II"/MDC4 activities, adding "ResponseID" as a field. (The automatically generated "Survey I Complete" and "Survey II Complete" panels will include this setting as "TriggerResponseID.")
  5. Deliver "Survey II" (which will leverage MDC4) via individualized links.
  6. Store the original "ResponseID" (pulled from the panel record field "TriggerResponseID") as embedded data in "Survey II." You will need to use the name "TriggerResponseID," as there is no apparent way to rename this field.
  7. Use the survey settings to suppress the IP and geolocation data when downloading the CSV.
  8. Load to MySQL using the anonymized "TriggerResponseID" as primary key.
  9. Use the same original "ResponseID" to identify subjects in the in-person SADC and FADC data collection activities.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2015-07-07 status



  • Assembled amendment materials for IRB.

Data Collection

  • Integrated new Manual Data Collector (MDC) into Qualtrics survey, with low-to-high input ordering for chords (per Ivana's feedback).
  • Completed pilot with Ivana.
  • Drafted recruitment emails for faculty and for department staff.
  • Established project web site at (
  • Compiled mailing list (Qualtrics panel) of nearly 200 piano faculty in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, and Ohio. The hope is that a significant subset of these people and their students will a) respond and b) hail from Chicago.
  • Settled on "Open Well-Tempered Clavier" (OpenWTC) and "Open Goldberg Variations" (OpenGoldberg) for our initial corpus, as these were well-publicized (Kickstarted) efforts by MuseScore to produce high-quality editions.
  • Translated OpenWTC to abc format.
  • Added a little experiment to the survey for two of the fingering exercises. Half of the subjects will see the suggested Czerney fingerings.
  • Finalized survey.


  1. Leveraging abc2svg for MDC4.
  2. Standardizing file format for fingering.


  • Contemplating a major rewrite for MDC4, where I get out of the business of parsing abc myself. This should simplify the code greatly, but the way is not clear.
  • Prelude and Fugue 18 appears to be corrupted by my hacking efforts to migrate to abc.