Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Data plumbing

Okay, the prime directive is this: No PII gets out of Qualtrics. The following should work:
  1. Deliver "Survey I" (which leverages MDC) via anonymous links.
  2. Use the survey settings to suppress the IP and geolocation data and leverage the Question selection when we download the CSV to skip My contact information. . . .
  3. Load the data from the CSV to a MySQL (or SQLite) database, using the "ResponseID" as the primary key (our "arbitrary label") for user records.
  4. Assemble a Qualtrics panel for the "Survey II"/MDC4 activities, adding "ResponseID" as a field. (The automatically generated "Survey I Complete" and "Survey II Complete" panels will include this setting as "TriggerResponseID.")
  5. Deliver "Survey II" (which will leverage MDC4) via individualized links.
  6. Store the original "ResponseID" (pulled from the panel record field "TriggerResponseID") as embedded data in "Survey II." You will need to use the name "TriggerResponseID," as there is no apparent way to rename this field.
  7. Use the survey settings to suppress the IP and geolocation data when downloading the CSV.
  8. Load to MySQL using the anonymized "TriggerResponseID" as primary key.
  9. Use the same original "ResponseID" to identify subjects in the in-person SADC and FADC data collection activities.

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